Wisley Airfield - Upton End Consultation

Published: 01 July 2022

You may or may not have received communication about a Public Consultation concerning Upton End.   Upton End is approximately 5 hectares of land in Ockham, currently the land is privately owned.  This site is part of the site allocation that includes the Former Wisley Airfield with Policy A35 of the Guildford Borough Local Plan (2019).  
This is NOT a planning application but Hallam Land Management propose to submit an Outline Planning Application for a new development of 70 houses on this site.  The Consultation document gives some information about how the developers would like the area to look when the houses are built and it is asking for feedback from residents. It’s important to stress: There is no planning application for Hallam Land, CBRE Land or Former Wisley Airfield as yet, although these are expected this summer, and no permission has been granted for any development.  
More information about the consultation and the proposed development can be found online at https://uptonend.co.uk/
We have been approached by a number of residents who are not quite clear what the Consultation is about and so we thought we would try and answer some of the questions that have been put forward:
I thought Taylor Wimpey owned all of FWA?  
Taylor Wimpey owns the bulk of the Former Wisley Airfield. In order to provide the 2100 homes allocated within Policy A35 of the Local Plan it includes the Hallam Land and another area of land also locally owned and managed by CBRE all to the South of the Former Wisley Airfield.  Developers are not able to build too close to the Beacon on the FWA. The Beacon is an important part of air traffic control and is used daily for safe passage of aircraft into and out of the UK, particularly to and from Heathrow.
Where is the CBRE Land?
Like the Hallam Land, this is another area of land adjacent to FWA. Similarly to the Hallam Land, this is currently green farmland and it is part of Bridge End Farm. The CBRE Land does not form part of this Consultation. The Former Wisley Airfield does not form part of this Consultation. 
What do the Parish Council think about this Consultation?
West Horsley Parish Council, along with other local Parish Councils believe that Upton End cannot be looked at in isolation. If there is to be a Consultation for A35 Allocation, the Former Wisley Airfield, the Consultation should be about the entire site, not at just a small part of it.
Are the Parish Council going to object to the Consultation?
The Parish Council will respond to the Consultation by email to uptonend@lrmplanning.com rather than by completing the form provided on the website. We will state that we believe that without information about the proposals for the entire Allocation A35, Former Wisley Airfield, we are not in a position to comment on any of the suggestions made due to inadequate information.
Should I respond to this Consultation?
Yes. We are suggesting that residents do reply to the Consultation and you may feel, as we do, that the most effective way to do this is by email rather than being funnelled into the form on the Upton End website which might restrict how you wish to express your views.  Like us, you might feel you need more information about the whole of A35 Allocation so that you have a full idea of what the proposals are and how the Former Wisley Airfield will look if it is developed.
If you have any further questions, please send these to deputyclerk@westhorsley.info